Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I almost choked.

So, I was just sitting at my computer thinking about stuff. While thinking about stuff I had my ring in my mouth. My wedding ring. I had it in my mouth and then the title of this post happened.

One time I was in a hurry to go to class, but also starving. I made a sandwich and started to go up the south stairs while eating. I got tired and started breathing heavily as I tried to eat the sandwich. Then the title of this post happened.

Several years ago at the Olive Garden, I was eating some delicious fried mozzarella sticks. I took a bite and swallowed with out completely biting through the cheese. I had a thick string of cheese traveling from my stomach, past my throat, and into my hand where the rest of the mozzarella stick remained. The title of this post happened.

I'm really sorry about this. I should have known that it isn't a good idea to blog for the sake of blogging. To make up for it, here is a link to sign up for a newsletter and get two dairy queen blizzards for the price of one. Free Blizzard!


Karen said...

Glad that it was an "almost" event! Thanks for blogging. I am in despair with NONe of my girls writing anything new for me to read. Glad I can count on you!

Becca said...

Let's go get Blizzards TONIGHT!

KJV said...

Oh my gosh! Jennifer almost choked too recently ... on a piece of chicken. I'm warning Carolyn!