Friday, May 04, 2007

It's about time.

I've regained my freedom and independence. My darling little Intrepid is up and running once again. She just needed a little time to heal after everything I've put her through. Tomorrow at 5 a.m. I get to drive to the airport and fly to CHICAGO! All my ideas are becoming a reality. That fortune cookie knew what it was talking about. I hope there aren't any quail in Chicago. I can handle pigeons, but if I see a quail I'm going to freak out.


Whitney said...

have fun in the windy city-i LUV chicago!
looks like i'll take over the position of custodian in the group while you're gone-just got a job.

Carrie said...

So, why do you hate quail? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Quail are much nicer and cuter than pigeons!

Alan said...

I'm with you. Screw all quail. Quails?