Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hello all! This is Kyle's replacement. You can call me Kyle. Kyle has begun his vacation, but I talked to him a little bit last night and he says he doesn't feel like his vacation has started yet. I understand. He has a lot on his mind. It will take a while to just sit back and relax. Plus, from my experience, vacations can be more stressful than the stress we mean to avoid by taking the vacation. I don't know how long he'll be gone, but I'm happy to be here, so however long it is, it's fine with me.

Yesterday was my first day as Kyle. It went okay, I went to most of his classes. I skipped history, but I figure it's okay since he never went anyway. I finished his homework for Molecular Biology Reading Series (boring). No offense Kyle, but I can't think of a more boring major that you could have chosen. Maybe if "History of Dog Food" were a major, it would be more boring. I also, wrote his New Testament paper that's due this week. Apparently he put it off all semester. Sheesh, what a procrastinator. Then I went to work and everything went smoothly there. You better look out Kyle, I might end up running your life better than YOU! Or, on the other hand, I may ruin your life rather than run it. Just kidding, Kyle. Sip some lemonade and kick your feet up. No worries. I'll keep everything under control for ya. That reminds me, I better get started on the rest of the stuff you've been putting off since who knows when.


Kyle said...

Thanks, You're a real pal.

Lillian said...

Wow Kyle, where did you find this replacement? He sounds like a real do-er... I think I need one myself, just for when I'm working and sick. Any ideas?

Kyle said...

Just call 1-800-REPLACE.

jacob said...

Wait... which Kyle said that?

Lillian said...

Good to know. Thanks for the info Kyle... errrr... or other Kyle.

By the way, does your replacement take care of DTR's as well? 'Cause I could really use a replacement to do that right now.