Raise your hand if seeing bratty no good rotten children in public or on shows like Super Nanny actually make you WANT to have children. MY hand is raised. Part of me believes that I will never have children who behave so poorly, and another part of me likes the idea of a good challenge. I'm already looking up brainwashing techniques. Am I tempting fate? I don't know, and what I don't know can't hurt me.
Raise your hand if you think feminist blogs are comedy's gift to man. I'm not even talking about their hatred of men or outrage over things that men do, or contempt for women who like men. I'm talking about the funny pictures and videos they post. You know what? I recognize that women are treated differently than men, and you know what? It can be funny sometimes. I'm pretty sure that's the point they want to get across. www.feministing.com